Job 2018 Graduate SW Engineer unspecified ARM Finland Oy - Työtarjoukset


reference: a1025f06-436f-452c-939f-86b97b0539fe

documentId: 9539762

connectionPointId: 81

lastModificationDate: 1533621774103

Työnimike: 2018 Graduate SW Engineer

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and do not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, status as a veteran, and basis of disability or any other federal, state or local protected class.

Job Description
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the collection of smart, sensor-enabled physical objects, and the networks, servers and services that interact with them.

We are looking for an enthusiastic Graduate Engineer to join us. At Arm you will be working in developing an open source OS and platform for ARM Cortex-M based microcontrollers, suitable for use by 100,000s of developers to create Internet of Things devices that ship in the billions. Graduate Engineers have either recently complete their studies or looking for a place in industry to complete a final thesis study.

As a member of the Oulu software team, you will work in collaboration with other skilled software, hardware, web applications and infrastructure, applications, technical marketing and ecosystem engineers to build a full device platform for powering the next wave of connected devices. We are collaborating with an expanding number of key technology partners and are in a great position to help the IoT industry flourish.

What's in it For You?
As a Graduate at Arm you will be working on real project tasks with help and guidance of our experienced engineers. Through collaboration, training and dedication to personal development, our goal is that every graduate engineer quickly learns about the different aspects of developing highly-complex designs, starts contributing to different project tasks and ultimately develops into an expert in the field.

Working as Graduate Engineer you will get a chance to work on real projects that have real impact, while also building on key skills for your future studies and employment. We believe in developing talent for the future, and therefore aim to offer many of our interns a graduate position once they have finished their studies.

Working on interesting new projects is exciting but we also know how important it is to receive support. That's why you will have regular 1 to 1 meetings with your line manager who will be able to offer ongoing support, feedback and development opportunities. You will be given a certain amount of flexibility and freedom in how you decide to complete your project tasks.

As well as being offered a competitive salary, there are also opportunities to get involved in the many social events that are organised within ARM on a regular basis.

Job Requirements
As a successful candidate you will be interested in developing of test tools and test frameworks and as well as scripting test automation cases. You have experience of development with Python or C/C++ development. You may also be familiar with wireless systems and IP-based networking.

Desirable Skills and Experience

Software development experience with Python or C/C++
Experience in development of test automation frameworks/tools
Linux experience
Experience in wireless systems and protocols
Knowledge in IP-based networking and protocols
Fluent spoken and written English
Proactive approach that challenges conventions

As the leading supplier of semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP), ARM makes affordable, easy-to-use electronic innovations come to life. The ARM culture is open and relaxed where world-class, innovative engineers work together both ambitiously and collaboratively on solutions that shape how people connect every day. Since the ARM ecosystem includes many of the biggest names in consumer electronics and semiconductor manufacturing, becoming an engineer at ARM means your work will live at the heart of many of the world's most innovative and widely used digital products.

ARM Benefits

Your particular benefits package will depend on position and type of employment and may be subject to change. Your package will be confirmed on offer of employment. Arm's benefits program provides permanent employees with the opportunity to stay innovative and healthy, ensure the wellness of their families, and create a positive working environment.

Annual Bonus Plan
Discretionary Cash Award
Compulsory pension plan
Health Services
Insurance Package (travel, life, disability)
Holiday, 5 weeks statutory
Sabbatical, 20 business days every four-year of service
Volunteering, One (1) paid working day each year (TeamARM)
Smartum exercise card - 250 EUR per employee, per year
Others, sauna in office, team and seasonal social events
About Arm
Arm® technology is at the heart of a computing and connectivity revolution that is transforming the way people live and businesses operate. From the unmissable to the invisible; our advanced, energy-efficient processor designs are enabling the intelligence in 86 billion silicon chips and securely powering products from the sensor to the smartphone to the supercomputer. With more than 1,000 technology partners including the world's most famous business and consumer brands, we are driving Arm innovation into all areas compute is happening inside the chip, the network and the cloud.

With offices around the world, Arm is a diverse community of dedicated, innovative and highly talented professionals. By enabling an inclusive, meritocratic and open workplace where all our people can grow and succeed, we encourage our people to share their unique contributions to Arm's success in the global marketplace.

About the office
The engineers and developers based in our Arm Oulu office are focused on the development of technology that enables the Internet of Things. Oulu is considered one of Europe's "living labs", where residents help companies and organization experiment with new technology such as NFC tags at a community-wide level.

numberOfPosts: 1


positionTypeCode: directhire

Työnantajan nimi: ARM Finland Oy

source: TIVA


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