Job Contract Manager Satakunta Adecco Finland Oy, - Työtarjoukset

Työnimike: Contract Manager

We're currently looking for Contract Manager for our international client in the OL3 Site. The job starts in January 2017 or earlier and lasts 12 months with the possibility for extension. Adecco handles the recruitment process and the chosen candidate will sign a work agreement directly with our client company. Criterions: Your added value as Contract Manager is directly linked to your ability to rapidly and sufficiently understand the crux of a given subject, the writing and reviewing of official correspondence, or in respecting deadlines and deliverables. As an integral member of the project team, you must be able to work well independently while enjoying team work. Other skills and experiences: Excellent transverse management skills Ability to thrive in multi-cultural environments Solid experience in contractual and commercial negotiations Experience in project management function on a large infrastructure project Experience on a construction site, preferably commissioning phase Language skills: Fluent in speaking English and proficient in writing in English, good skills in French and/or German is considered an advantage Responsibilities: Working part of the Project Contract Management Team on OL3 with the overall mission of the Contract Manager is to facilitate the successful completion of the OL3 Project while protecting the short and long term interest of our client including particular: Developing constructive contractual relationships with client and consortium partner Protecting the forecast margin at project completion by: Ensuring that the contractual scope of works are delivered Negotiating and agreeing contractual changes (scope/timeline/conditions) Defending company against any claims from the client, consortium partner, subcontractors Managing unexpected events such as force majeure/accidents The task of the Contract Manager is to implement the strategy and: Develop constructive contractual relationship with client and consortium partner via a a consistent approach in regular meetings and in contractual correspondence Build defensive/counter claim dossiers for client and consortium partner to mitigate recurrent as well as specific contract-closeout risks Coordinate closely with the team based in France and Germany managing the current arbitration proceedings and preparing future claims not deal with the current arbitration Proactively advice the Project Director on contractual aspects Increase awareness in implementing behavioral changes among the project team with respect to contractual risks and obligations Coordinate closely with other on-site support functions, in particular, the time schedule (delay analysis and tracking), supply chain (subcontractor claims and contract close outs) and finance (cost analysis of changes and claims) teams As member of the Project Contract Management Team, your primary role will be to actively support the Project Contract Manager in the implementation of the strategy. Your exact scope will depend on your experience, your capabilities and your motivations together with the priorities of the Project. We're offering you the possibility to work with our an international client company in a challenging and rewarding position where you can gain valuable professional experience, contribute to the project. You will get an outlook on the project that is one of the largest industrial projects' in the Northern Europe. Your professional view will be noticed by the Project Direction and your role will be important in implementing our client's strategy. The candidate chosen for the job will be drug tested before starting and a security clearance will be conducted. Please apply to the position by 30.09.2016. Please apply for the "Contract Manager OL3 Site" position by sending your English CV to HR Consultant Eerika Jantunen by e-mail at: Eerika.jantunen (at) . For more information please call Eerika Jantunen +358468750111.

Työnantajan nimi: Adecco Finland Oy,

Työnantajan osoite: 27160 EURAJOKI

Työn lyhyt kuvaus: Pääjohtajat ja toimitusjohtajat

Maa: Suomi

Alue: Satakunta

Sopimuksen kesto: Tilapäinen

Sopimuslaji: Kokopäiväinen

Kokea: Yli 5 vuotta

Lähde työtarjous: TE-palvelut, Julkiset työvoimapalvelut, Suomi


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