Job EBNI Completion Engineer Satakunta Enersense International Oy - Työtarjoukset
Enersense International Oy provides its customers with resourcing solutions which appreciate the fluctuations in their projects. Our company is an ISO 9001:2008/14001:2004-certified actor with more than ten years of experience in operating in close cooperation with large-scale nuclear and construction sites, the Olkiluoto 3 nuclear power plant site being the largest of them. We are currently looking for EBNI Completion Engineer for our client in Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant, Finland. We are offering challenging work in an international project environment. Main tasks and responsibilities: - For a defined set of systems / equipment on site: Collect all the necessary Engineering documentation for EBN installation activities (for cable pulling, cable termination, junction box / blackbox installation, sensor installation...) and make consistency checks to confirm that nothing is missing and that all data is coherent (between Electrical / I&C / Self Standing systems documentation), before they are delivered to subcontractors for implementation Track the delivery & installation status of the Electrical / I&C equipment (sensors / junction boxes / blackboxes...) by liaising with warehouse on site, with Supply Chain, with System Engineers in backoffice Perform walk-downs in the field to anticipate issues, clashes with other equipment, and highlight those issues in due time for modification implementation - Liaise with the different Construction groups in order to secure the overall systems completion sequence - Achieve objectives in accordance with Construction Time schedule and ECC dates - Interface with TVO & inspection according needs for FCR, EEN and Open Point closure - Define the remaining work on EBNI scope for System completion - Assist SP team for the preparation of ECC file - Take all necessary measures in order to resolve as soon as possible any engineering problems relating to the equipment construction. In the case of it not being possible to resolve a particular engineering problem in the territory he should liaise with the appropriate people in the organization in order to find a quick and suitable solution - Interface with the subcontractors for speeding up the closure of FCRs and Open Points - Provide site management with all necessary information on progress and problems - Ensure that all health and safety requirements are fulfilled and adhered to by all staff and subcontractors - Ensure that all Nuclear Safety Culture principles are fulfilled adhered to by all staff and subcontractors - Ensure that all statutory and legal requirements regarding safety at work are implemented and maintained throughout construction to handover This position reports directly to Electrical + I&C EPC Manager, and provides daily progress to EBNI Methods Team Manager. Requirements: - Engineering or Procurement background in Electricals I&C / Self Standing Systems / components - Electrical Engineering and/or Construction Instrumentation & Control Engineering and/or Construction - Capacity to contact sensor/valvespump suppliers to address the topics - Experience from OL3 would be an advantage in terms of faster integration - Good software knowledge on MS Office, AutoCAD, Navisworks 3D Skills required: - Organisational and planning ability - Good interface and interpersonal skills - Willingness to deep-dive in the Methods Tools and constant follow-up Language skills: - Fluent English (written and spoken) Drug test and concise security clearance will be done for the selected person in order to get the permanent access to OL3 site. Please note that due to clients urgent need only applicants with a valid working permit / EU-citizenship can be considered. The post will be filled as soon as a suitable applicant is found.
Työnantajan nimi: Enersense International Oy
Työnantajan osoite: 27160 EURAJOKI
abstractJV_invalidEuresFlag: false
Työn lyhyt kuvaus: Muut tekniikan erityisasiantuntijat
Maa: Suomi
Alue: Satakunta
Sopimuksen kesto: Tilapäinen
Sopimuslaji: Kokopäiväinen
Kokea: 2–5 vuotta
Lähde työtarjous:
MOL/Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, Julkiset työvoimapalvelut, Suomi
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