Job IT Security Professional, Olkiluoto Satakunta ManpowerGroup Oy, Rauma - Työtarjoukset
We are now looking for a IT SECURITY PROFESSIONAL to Olkiluoto. General and technical background expected: - Knowledge of IT Security (understand -g of IT Security imp. cations surrounding networks. Control Systems, safety systems, operating systems, hardware platforms ) or - Knowledge of plant technologies (understanding of IT Security implications surrounding the overall architecture of plant networks, plant safety systems, plant specific applications and protocols upon which those applications rely) - Engineering Degree in l&C, Electrical. IT or similar OR experience in the prior mentioned field Technical: Optional: Software, Network and Hardware knowledge (up-to-date and past technologies) - Knowledge and understanding of the functionality of a nuclear power plant Languages (Level): - Fluent English (written and spoken) - Optional: Finnish, French or German Others Soft Skills - Rhetorical skills by the means of presenting / explaining decisions to non-technical collegues - Communication skills for inter-cultural and multi-lingual interactions - Flexibility JOB DESCRIPTION The ideal candidate has already skills regarding IT Security, is flexible and highly motivated to participate in taking the IT Security approach of OL3 project to the next level. You should possess good skills on computer systems and / or you must have knowledge on the EPR technology. Knowledge on plant systems and l&C are counted as benefitting factors. The position can be adjusted based on the skills and interests of the applicant. Organizational Tasks: - Information exchange with other disciplines - If explicitly required: Interaction with customer and authority concerning IT Security issues and developments Technical Tasks: - Support of other on-site disciplines for the clarification of technical IT Security issues - Analysis of open items in terms of daily business, - Supports implementation of Security policy, directives, procedures, guidelines, measures (e.g. commissioning support) - Responsible for on-site IT Security operational work (e.g.handling of Service notebooks, Anti Virus Scans etc.) - Responsible of Inspections of plant area and systems relevant to IT Security, - Supports enforcement of IT Security rules and regulations for on-site test bay (including inspections and incident handling) - Performs IT Security evaluations of digital plant systems, - Review of IT Security Documents, - Tracking, monitoring and reporting events of Security relevance - Investigating computer Security incidents, preserving evidence and developing post-incident procedures and preventive actions. Apply this job with registered CV as soon as possible by clicking "Hae" at the bottom of this page. For more information (Mon-Fri 9-10) contact Recruitment Consultant Merja Nevalainen, p. 050 501 0031. Manpower is the global leader in contingent and permanent recruitment workforce solutions. It is part of ManpowerGroup, the world leader in innovative workforce solutions. Manpower Finland is an authorized private employment agency with branches across the nation. Its combination of global reach and local expertise allows for greater flexibility and agility to respond to changing business needs, providing unique value to clients and candidates through permanent, temporary and contract positions. We are now looking for a IT SECURITY PROFESSIONAL to Olkiluoto. General and technical background expected: - Knowledge of IT Security (understand -g of IT Security imp. cations surrounding networks. Control Systems, safety systems, operating systems, hardware platforms ) or - Knowledge of plant technologies (understanding of IT Security implications surrounding the overall architecture of plant networks, plant safety systems, plant specific applications and protocols upon which those applications rely) - Engineering Degree in l&C, Electrical. IT or similar OR experience in the prior mentioned field Technical: Optional: Software, Network and Hardware knowledge
Työnantajan nimi: ManpowerGroup Oy, Rauma
Työnantajan osoite: 27160 EURAJOKI
abstractJV_invalidEuresFlag: false
Työn lyhyt kuvaus: Elektroniikan asiantuntijat
Maa: Suomi
Alue: Satakunta
Sopimuksen kesto: Tilapäinen
Sopimuslaji: Kokopäiväinen
Kokea: 2–5 vuotta
Lähde työtarjous:
MOL/Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, Julkiset työvoimapalvelut, Suomi
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