Job Lead Buyer Satakunta Enersense International Oy - Työtarjoukset
Enersense International Oy provides its customers with resourcing solutions which appreciate the fluctuations in their projects. Our company is an ISO 9001:2008/14001:2004-certified actor with more than ten years of experience in operating in close cooperation with large-scale nuclear and construction sites, the Olkiluoto 3 nuclear power plant site being the largest of them. We are currently looking for a Lead Buyer for our client in Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant, Finland. We are offering challenging work in international project environment. The Role: Within the Supply Chain Project Department, the Lead Buyer is responsible for placing all orders of goods and services to reach project objectives in terms of quality, time schedule and cost. The Lead Buyer is responsible for (not limited to the following): - Managing the team of buyers located in Finland, Germany or France - Training and coaching new buyers, developing all buyers - Ensuring Orders are placed in due time, contributing to the time schedule reviews (e.g. two-month look ahead time schedule meetings...) - Ensuring the Project budget performance target is reached - Coordinating the reporting for the whole team of buyers - Developing procedures, methods and tools for project purchasing on site As a Buyer him/herself, he/she is also involved in the following activities (not limited to the following): - Analyse purhasing needs and evolutions of needs specifications - Identify potential new Suppliers, locally and internationally - Conduct the bidding process - Lead the Contracts negotiation with Suppliers - Coordinate interfaces with other departments (e.g. engineering, construction, commissioning, project control, quality) - Analyse prices, propose alternatives, and lead Supplier selection - Analyse the offer conformity with the requirements and the expected Project performance - Report on purchasing performance, time schedule and progress, and on the activity in general - Respect the Supply Chain processes and procedures Occasionally the Lead Buyer may have to (not limited to the following): - Manage the Contract execution / expediting until complete delivery and Contract closure - Participate to claims building or claims defence Requirements: General and technical background expected: - Experience from engineering-procurement-construction-commissioning Project(s) - Engineering background preferred - Technical background as well as commercial background Skills required: - Successful experience working as Manager or Project Manager - Experience in Purchasing - Experience in Negotiation - Proactivity - Autonomy - Analytical mind Language skills: - Fluent in spoken English and full professional proficiency in written English (i.e. able to write a contract in English) - Proficiency in German and/or French and/or Finnish beneficial Drug test and concise security clearance will be done for the selected person in order to get the permanent access to OL3 site. Please note that due to clients urgent need only applicants with a valid working permit / EU-citizenship can be considered. The post will be filled as soon as a suitable applicant is found.
Työnantajan nimi: Enersense International Oy
Työnantajan osoite: 27160 EURAJOKI
abstractJV_invalidEuresFlag: false
Työn lyhyt kuvaus: Ostajat
Maa: Suomi
Alue: Satakunta
Sopimuksen kesto: Tilapäinen
Sopimuslaji: Kokopäiväinen
Kokea: 2–5 vuotta
Lähde työtarjous:
MOL/Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, Julkiset työvoimapalvelut, Suomi
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