Job Piping Inspector, mechanical and welding Satakunta N-Pro Resources Oy Ltd - Työtarjoukset

Työnimike: Piping Inspector, mechanical and welding

N-PRO Resources Oy Ltd is a staffing and recruiting company belonging to Nipromec Group focusing mainly on needs of our customers in the fields of energy, industry and offshore. We are now looking for a Piping Inspector, mechanical and welding, for our client in Olkiluoto. Work starts as soon as possible and estimated duration is 5 months. The Inspector is within OL3 Site Inspector Department, under the responsibility of the OL3 Site Inspection manager or his/her Discipline Leader or respective deputies. She/he can also have a mandate by EIRA head to represent EIRA under certain circumstances. The Inspector functionally reports to the Site Inspection Manager or his/her Discipline leader and respective Deputies. Inspector is a suitable, Qualified and Experienced Person granted in the NI Quality Assurance under the authority of the NI Site Inspection manager. His/her duty is to carry out Site inspection (or occasional manufacturing inspections in Finland) tasks to assess the NI sub-contractor's performance or those of AREVA NI teams in the frame of EIRA (inspection organization accredited according to European Standard EN/ISO/CEI 17020) as a SQEP inspector according to SMQ EIRA and NI OL3 Site procedures for his/her domain of competences. In all his/her actions, the Inspector acts according AREVA value charter and Health & Safety principles and commits to follow and promote the characteristics and attitudes of Nuclear Safety Culture. Tasks: -To maintain discerning and constructive relations with the sub-contractors and to serve as a link with Engineering, Purchasing, Project units, the Inspector being one of the most present representatives of AREVA to the sub-contractors; -To communicate directly to relevant partners (Purchasing, Engineering, Project, Quality) all essential information related to the quality of the realization and to the performances of the sub-contractor; -To review and approve the follow-up documents; -To participate in the kick-off meeting and, for the quality aspect, verify the prerequisites to the launching of operations (coherence and independence of the organization, content of the applicable documents, validity and field of qualifications, control equipment's and resources of the sub-contractors); -To apply the AREVA notification points on the follow-up documents, in accordance with the surveillance plan, or check that they include the end customer and AREVA notifications defined in the order; -To execute the surveillance actions required by the surveillance plan of an order, with the Surveillance Guides to judge the conformity of the product; -To fill in the Surveillance guides with results of the surveillance actions, showing and justifying the fulfilment of the scheduled surveillance actions; -To apply on the sub-contractor's documents which have been the subject of a surveillance action, the date of surveillance, the visa and the stamp/name of the Inspector. The values measured, which have been the object of a verification by the Inspector, may be identified on the reports of the sub-contractor by the surveillance date, the visa and the stamp/name of the Inspector; -To detect and/or record the non-conformance for all contractual criteria that has not been respected (equipment or document), then in the limits of the delegations that are given to the Inspector, request the opening of an AREVA nonconformance form (NCR/DR). Collaborate to the treatment of non-conformance with the dedicated unit, taking into account the demands of the customer and of the safety Authorities. Confirm the closure of the AREVA nonconformance. -To issue the AREVA Observation notice for all inappropriate actions and/or for all results imperfectly controlled by the sub.-contractor to reach the conformity demonstration/assessment; -To review the Erection Completion Certificates with the verification of the End of Erection Reports and when applicable the Handover Certificates of the radiographic films; -To participate in the

Työnantajan nimi: N-Pro Resources Oy Ltd

Työnantajan osoite: 27150 EURAJOKI

abstractJV_invalidEuresFlag: false

Työn lyhyt kuvaus: Maa- ja vesirakentamisen erityisasiantuntijat

Maa: Suomi

Alue: Satakunta

Sopimuksen kesto: Tilapäinen

Sopimuslaji: Kokopäiväinen

Kokea: 2–5 vuotta

Lähde työtarjous:
MOL/Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, Julkiset työvoimapalvelut, Suomi


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