Job Postdoctoral Researcher unspecified Itä-Suomen yliopisto - Työtarjoukset


reference: 6ac36011-8633-402a-b40b-991318acee34

documentId: 9920922

connectionPointId: 81

lastModificationDate: 1554714006689

Työnimike: Postdoctoral Researcher

The University of Eastern Finland, UEF, is one of the largest multidisciplinary universities in Finland. We offer education in nearly one hundred major subjects, and are home to approximately 15,500 students and 2,500 members of staff. We operate in Joensuu and Kuopio. In international rankings, we are ranked among the leading universities in the world.

The Faculty of Health Sciences operates at the Kuopio Campus of the University of Eastern Finland. The Faculty offers education in medicine, dentistry, nutrition and pharmacy, as well as in some other central fields of the health care sector. The Faculty is research-intensive, and its internationally recognised research activities are closely linked to the strategic research areas of the University. There are approximately 2 500 degree students and about 450 PhD students in the Faculty. The faculty has 680 staff members.

We are now inviting applications for

a Postdoctoral Researcher (Bioinformatics, Toxicogenomics and Machine Learning) position, School of Medicine, Institute of Biomedicine, Kuopio Campus.

The position is available in the Biomedical Informatics research group ( led by Dr Vittorio Fortino, in the recently launched EU H2020 project EDCMET.

The project is focused on the development of computational methods to identify endocrine disrupting effects of chemicals. This work will employ bioinformatics and cheminformatics methodologies, toxicology and toxicogenomic databases, data mining and machine learning to; (a) predict the overall biological phenotype emerging from a chemical exposure (e.g. adaptive versus adverse); and, (b) to identify suitable biomarkers for chemical exposure and effect.

The ideal candidate will have a strong background in omics data analysis, with experience in data mining and machine learning methods applied to toxicogenomics and/or toxicology data. She or he will have an inquisitive mindset, a proactive attitude and the desire to work in a multi-disciplinary team. She or he will join a vibrant scientific community and collaborate with other scientists across disciplines, including molecular biology, systems biology, data science and translational medicine.

A person to be appointed as a postdoctoral researcher shall hold a suitable doctoral degree. Positions of postdoctoral researchers shall always be filled for a fixed term (UEF University Regulations, Section 31).

The person to be appointed to the Postdoctoral Researcher Position is required to hold a doctoral degree, which may not have been completed more than five years ago at the time of accepting the position. In this context, the 5 years refer to a net period of time, which does not include maternity leaves, parental leaves, or military service, etc.

The language requirements associated with the position are defined in the Government Decree 770/2009. Members of the university's teaching and research staff are required to have command of the language they give teaching in (Finnish or Swedish). The Dean of the faculty may grant an exemption from the language proficiency requirements laid down in the Government Decree.

Other qualification requirements/ prerequisites
-A strong track record in omics data analysis (e.g. genome-wide, rna-seq and proteomics data analysis).
-Proficient in programming in R or Python, basic knowledge of statistical modelling and data mining, and ability to query databases and handle large data sets.
-Experience in using toxicology and toxicogenomic databases is a plus.
-Excellent analytical, communication and organizational skills.
-Demonstrated capability as highly organized, a creative problem-solver, self-motivated and able to work independently as well as within cross-functional teams.
-Fluency in written and spoken English

The position is initially filled for a fixed-term of three years. The full-time position will start in June 2019, or later by agreement.

The salary of the position is determined in accordance with the salary system of Finnish universities and is based on level 5 of the job requirement level chart for teaching and research staff (€2,935,55/ month). In addition to the job requirement component, the salary includes a personal performance component, which may be a maximum of 50 % of the job requirement component.

For further information on the position, please contact: Assistant Professor Vittorio Fortino, email: vittorio.fortino (at), phone +358 29 4454197. For further information on the application procedure, please contact HR Secretary Tellervo Rajanto, email: tellervo.rajanto (at), phone +358 29 4454278.

A probationary period is applied to all new members of the staff.

The electronic application should contain the following appendices:
- a résumé or CV
- a list of publications
- motivation letter
- copies of the applicant's academic degree certificates/ diplomas, and copies of certificates / diplomas relating to the applicant's language proficiency, if not indicated in the academic degree certificates/diplomas

The application needs to be submitted no later than 8.4.2019 (by 24.00 hours Finnish time) by using the electronic application form.

numberOfPosts: 1


positionTypeCode: directhire

Työnantajan nimi: Itä-Suomen yliopisto

source: TIVA


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