Job Time Scheduler Satakunta Enersense International Oy - Työtarjoukset
Enersense International Oy provides its customers with resourcing solutions which appreciate the fluctuations in their projects. Our company is an ISO 9001:2008/14001:2004-certified actor with more than ten years of experience in operating in close cooperation with large-scale nuclear and construction sites, the Olkiluoto 3 nuclear power plant site being the largest of them. We are currently looking for Time Scheduler for our client in Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant, Finland. We are offering challenging work in an international project environment. The Finishing/Room Completion Time Scheduler is in charge of, and responsible for, part of the overall Project Time Schedule. Main tasks and responsibilities: - Develop and maintain the time schedule for the scope of work for which he / she is responsible - Prepare the time schedule monthly updates and other time schedule updates and studies as needed - Analyze and report - Maintain the schedule to reflect current progress, forecasted end dates, and recommend recovery plans as needed - Manage interfaces with activities from other schedules linked to his /her time schedule - Inform Construction Management and Time Schedule Management on delays and their consequences on the project time schedule - Develop and maintain the Time Schedule with input from the Construction project team - Use Primavera P6 for the Master Project Schedule and MS Project for various detailed schedules as needed to support the Construction group and Project needs. - Organize internal meetings with the relevant project members to update the Construction Time Schedules and assure interrelationships with other groups are correctly modeled in the schedule. - Update the time schedule with actual progress and design sequence development - Analyze the activities, duration, links, and critical path; inform the managers when variations or delays from the plan are detected; forecast completion dates, and recommend recovery plans to mitigate delays. - Manage interfaces with other Time Schedulers, Functional and Project Groups such as Site Works, Procurement, Commissioning, contractors, and the Client, to identify and manage upstream and downstream impacts and relationships. - Incorporate progress measurement and required resource levels into the completely integrated schedule analysis. - Provide Primavera layouts to show the detailed Construction time schedule, summary schedules, critical path, Client and licensing organization approval activities, with meaningful milestones to track the project's status. - Prepare and issue formal weekly and monthly reports and ad-hoc studies, analysis, and reports. Requirements: - Minimum of two years' experience in large multi-year projects or commercial projects, including two years of time schedule work experience in engineering, procurement, construction projects using Primavera - Ability to work as an effective team member in a stressful environment - Experience and excellent knowledge of Primavera P6, including resource allocation and standard scheduling techniques - Working knowledge of MS Project Language skills: - Fluent English required - Ability to communicate in English verbally and in writing, at a professional working level - Knowledge of French, German or Finnish would be a plus Drug test and concise security clearance will be done for the selected person in order to get the permanent access to OL3 site. Please note that due to clients urgent need only applicants with a valid working permit / EU-citizenship can be considered. The post will be filled as soon as a suitable applicant is found.
Työnantajan nimi: Enersense International Oy
Työnantajan osoite: 27160 EURAJOKI
abstractJV_invalidEuresFlag: false
Työn lyhyt kuvaus: Yleissihteerit
Maa: Suomi
Alue: Satakunta
Sopimuksen kesto: Tilapäinen
Sopimuslaji: Kokopäiväinen
Kokea: 2–5 vuotta
Lähde työtarjous:
MOL/Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö, Julkiset työvoimapalvelut, Suomi
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