Työpaikat Embassy of the Republic of Iraq - Työtarjoukset
Klo Wypr löydät kaikki työtarjouksia Embassy of the Republic of Iraq, jotka ovat saatavilla tällä hetkellä omassa maassa. Voit tarkastella 6 Työtarjoukset Embassy of the Republic of Iraq.
Cleaner -
The Embassy of Iraq in Helsinki is looking for a Cleaner.Her / His main duty will be:Responsible for the day-to-day cleaning of the Embassy.You should be able to work flexible hours. More about working hours will be discussed at the interview.Interested applicants are advised to send applications wit
Embassy of the Republic of Iraq - 2018-12-18 - unspecified
Gardener -
The Embassy of Iraq in Helsinki is seeking an experienced Gardener to work on a full-time basis. Requirements: -Reasonable command in English and Finnish. -2 years' experience in gardening. -Qualification to work as gardener. Job Description: Must possess a general knowledge of flowers, shrubs,
Embassy of the Republic of Iraq - 2018-11-08 - unspecified
Tulkki / kääntäjä -
Kääntäjät, tulkit ja muut kielitieteilijät
TULKKI / KÄÄNTÄJÄ Irakin suurlähetystö Helsingissä hakee Tulkkia / Kääntäjää. Edellytämme hakemaltamme henkilöltä erinomaista sekä suomen että englannin kielen taitoa
Embassy of the Republic of Iraq - 2016-09-10 - Helsinki-Uusimaa
Henkilöautonkuljettaja/Chaffeur, Hki -
Henkilö-, taksi- ja pakettiautonkuljettajat
-Job duties and responsibilities: Escort the Ambassador/Charge d' Affairs, other embassy staff and guests as directed, Carry out courier deliveries Ensure the technical service and maintenance of the vehicle -Requirements: Excellent, disciplined and
Embassy of the Republic of Iraq - 2016-04-24 - Helsinki-Uusimaa
Kotisiivooja/ Housekeeper -
Kotiapulaiset ja -siivoojat
Housekeeper Iraqi Embassy - Helsinki The Iraqi Embassy in Helsinki is seeking a Housekeeper for the Ambassador's residence. Job description: Responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of the Residence (maintaining daily schedule, cleaning, washing and
Embassy of the Republic of Iraq - 2016-03-10 - Helsinki-Uusimaa
Secretary -
Johdon sihteerit ja osastosihteerit
Secretary position at the Iraqi embassy Helsinki Duties: -Secretarial work; -Finnish-English-Finnish translation; -scheduling and attending ambassador's meetings, creating agendas and taking minutes - shorthand may be required; -keeping diaries and arranging
Embassy of the Republic of Iraq - 2016-02-15 - Helsinki-Uusimaa