Työpaikat Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - Työtarjoukset

Klo Wypr löydät kaikki työtarjouksia Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy, jotka ovat saatavilla tällä hetkellä omassa maassa. Voit tarkastella 14 Työtarjoukset Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy.

Varhaiskasvatuksen lastenhoitaja /Childminder ECEC -

Sunshine Early Learning Centre is a private English daycare centre and preschool. We are looking for a new childminder to our Preschool in Amuri. In order to be qualified to this position you must have a Practical Nurse (lähihoitaja) qualification or other equivalent qualification.We can offer you a
Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - 2019-07-16 - unspecified

Monipalvelutyöntekijä - päiväkotiapulainen -

Haemme monipalvelutyöntekijää englanninkieliseen päiväkotiimme Pyynikillä. Tehtävä on määräaikainen 30.6.2020 saakka, mutta saattaa jatkua sen jälkeenkin. Tehtäviin kuuluu mm. päiväkodin siivouksesta huolehtiminen ja välipalan valmistus sekä tarvittaessa avustaminen myös lapsiryhmässä.
Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - 2019-07-16 - unspecified

After School Club Activity Leader -

Sunshine Early Learning Centre has a Preschool and After School Club at FISTA school in Tampere. Our After School Club is expanding therefore we are looking for a new After School Club Activity Leader to join our team. The position is temporary from 6.8.2019 to 31st May 2020. In order to be qualified
Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - 2019-07-04 - unspecified

Varhaiskasvatuksen lastenhoitaja /Childminder ECEC -

Sunshine Early Learning Centre is a private English daycare centre and preschool. We are looking for 2 new childminders to our daycare centres in Pyynikki and Sorsapuisto. In order to be qualified to this position you must have a Practical Nurse (lähihoitaja) qualification or other equivalent qualification.We
Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - 2019-04-25 - unspecified

Varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja -

Sunshine Early Learning Centre is a private English daycare centre and preschool. We are looking for a new Early Childhood Education Teacher to our daycare centre in Sorsapuisto, Tampere. Sunshine Sorsapuisto is a small unit, with altogether 33 places in two groups. The teacher we are looking for has
Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - 2019-03-22 - unspecified

Varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja -

Sunshine Early Learning Centre is a private English daycare centre and preschool. We are looking for a new Early Childhood Education Teacher to our daycare centre in Sorsapuisto, Tampere. Sunshine Sorsapuisto is a small unit, with altogether 33 places in two groups. The teacher we are looking for has
Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - 2019-03-20 - unspecified

Varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja -

Sunshine Early Learning Centre is a private English daycare centre and preschool. We are looking for a new Early Childhood Education Teacher to our daycare centre in Sorsapuisto, Tampere. Sunshine Sorsapuisto is a small unit, with altogether 33 places in two groups. The teacher we are looking for has
Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - 2019-02-21 - unspecified

Lastenhoitaja /Childminder osa-aikatyö -

Sunshine Early Learning Centre is a private English daycare centre and preschool. We are looking for a new childminder to our Sorsapuisto daycare. The positons is part-time, approximately 5 h per day. In order to be qualified to this position you must have a Practical Nurse (lähihoitaja) qualification
Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - 2018-10-23 - unspecified

Varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja / Kindergarten teacher -

Sunshine Early Learning Centre is a private English daycare centre and preschool. We are now looking for a new teacher to our 2-3-year-old group, the Ducklings, starting from January 2019. The teacher we are looking for has a Kindergarten teacher qualification (a minimum of BA in Education or Social
Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - 2018-10-23 - unspecified

Lastenhoitaja / Childminder -

Sunshine Early Learning Centre is a private English daycare centre and preschool. We are now looking for a Childminder to join Sunshine Sorsapuisto team. The position is temporary from 13th August until 20th December 2018. In order to be qualified to this position you must have a Practical Nurse (lähihoitaja)
Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - 2018-08-16 - unspecified

Lastenhoitaja /Childminder osa-aikatyö -

Sunshine Early Learning Centre is a private English daycare centre and preschool. We are now looking for Childminders to substitute positions in our daycare/kindergarten/preschool in Pyynikki and in Sunshine Sorsapuisto. In order to be qualified to this position you must have a Practical Nurse (lähihoitaja)
Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - 2018-08-16 - unspecified

Lastenhoitaja /Childminder -

Sunshine Early Learning Centre is a private English daycare centre and preschool. We are now looking for a Childminder to join Sunshine Sorsapuisto team. The position is temporary from 13th August until 20th December 2018. In order to be qualified to this position you must have a Practical Nurse (lähihoitaja)
Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - 2018-08-09 - unspecified

Lastenhoitaja /Childminder osa-aikatyö -

Sunshine Early Learning Centre is a private English daycare centre and preschool. We are now looking for Childminders to substitute positions in our daycare/kindergarten/preschool in Pyynikki and in Sunshine Sorsapuisto. In order to be qualified to this position you must have a Practical Nurse (lähihoitaja)
Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - 2018-08-08 - unspecified

Lastenhoitaja /Childminder osa-aikatyö -

Sunshine Early Learning Centre is a private English daycare centre and preschool. We are looking for 2 new childminders to our preschool and kindergarten in Pyynikki. The positons are part-time (2,5 - 4 h per day, in the afternoon) and temporary until 20th December 2018. In order to be qualified to this
Sunshine Early Learning Centre Oy - 2018-08-08 - unspecified

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