Työpaikat The I.C.E.C. Play 'n' Learn Oy - Työtarjoukset

Klo Wypr löydät kaikki työtarjouksia The I.C.E.C. Play 'n' Learn Oy, jotka ovat saatavilla tällä hetkellä omassa maassa. Voit tarkastella 15 Työtarjoukset The I.C.E.C. Play 'n' Learn Oy.

Lastenhoitaja -

ICEC/Westend is looking for an early years nursery nurse/varhaiskasvatuksen lastenhoitaja to work with the toddler group 2-3 year olds. You will be working in a group with a teacher and one other nursery nurse. A qualification in Early Years is necessary also a criminal record check/rikosrekisteriote
The I.C.E.C. Play 'n' Learn Oy - 2019-09-01 - unspecified

Lastenhoitaja -

Etsimme lastenhoitajaa ICEC/Kiloon esiopetus ryhmään. Työ on monipuolista ja innostavaa. Edellytämme varhaiskasvatukenhoitajan pätevyyden sekä sujuva suomen ja englanninkielen taidon. Tehtävään valitun tulee esittää rikosrekisterilain (770/1993) 6 §:n 2 mukainen lasten kanssa työskenteleviltä
The I.C.E.C. Play 'n' Learn Oy - 2019-09-01 - unspecified

Lastentarhanopettaja -

ICEC/Töölö is looking for a qualified kindergarten teacher to work in the toddler group. The group is very small and overall the ICEC/Töölö kindergarten has a capacity for 40 children. The ICEC has a creative approach to learning. A qualification in Early Years is required,either a qualification
The I.C.E.C. Play 'n' Learn Oy - 2019-09-01 - unspecified

Kitchen worker -

ICEC/KIlo daycare for children is looking for a kitchen worker. Knowledge and experience of working in a kitchen is greatly appreciated. The applicant is required to hold a hygiene pass. An ability to work in an environment with small children.Working with children requires an extract from criminal records
The I.C.E.C. Play 'n' Learn Oy - 2019-08-17 - unspecified

Lastentarhanopettaja -

We are looking for an early years teacher to come and join our team in ICEC/Meilahti. The ICEC is a multicultural work setting and english is the language used. Our curriculum has a emphasis on creative learning. For more information please check out our website www.icec.fi. Applicants must have a qualification
The I.C.E.C. Play 'n' Learn Oy - 2019-05-11 - unspecified

Lastenhoitaja -

Come and join our multicultural team at ICEC/Meilahti. The ICEC curriculum is based on creative learning and offers positive challenges for staff. We require a verified qualification in early years accepted by Finland. We are looking forward to having a new team member join us. For more information please
The I.C.E.C. Play 'n' Learn Oy - 2019-05-11 - unspecified

Lastentarhanopettaja/ Kindergarten teacher -

We are looking for enthusiastic and creative early years professionals to join our team of staff at our  centres in Espoo and Helsinki. We require a relevant qualification in early years education sosionomi (lastentarhanopettaja),lastentarhanopettaja or any other qualification approved by the
The I.C.E.C. Play 'n' Learn Oy - 2019-04-24 - unspecified

Lastentarhanopettaja -

ICEC on vuodesta 1989 toiminnut päiväkotiyritys. Toimimme pääasiallisesti englanninkielellä, mutta tarjoamme lapsille myös mahdollisuuden oppia suomeksi.Tule mukaan meidän innostavaan ja luovaan tiimityöskentelyyn, jos sinua kiinnostaa olla mukana isoa kansainvälistä
The I.C.E.C. Play 'n' Learn Oy - 2018-08-30 - unspecified

Daycare Manager -

We are looking for a manager to join our team at our ICEC Westend . The job requires excellent skills in both English and Finnish. We require a relevant qualification of Sosionomi (Lastentarhanopettaja) lastentarhanopettaja or equivalency approved by
The I.C.E.C. Play 'n' Learn Oy - 2016-04-12 - Helsinki-Uusimaa

Lastentarhanopettaja/ Kindergarten teacher -

We are looking for enthusiastic and creative early years professionals to join our team of staff at our centres in Espoo and Helsinki. We require a relevant qualification in early years education sosionomi (lastentarhanopettaja),lastentarhanopettaja or
The I.C.E.C. Play 'n' Learn Oy - 2016-04-12 - Helsinki-Uusimaa

Lastenhoitaja -


The I.C.E.C. Play 'n' Learn Oy - 2016-02-22 - Helsinki-Uusimaa

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