Työpaikat Polar Electro Oy - Työtarjoukset (2)
System Manager, Payment Systems -
Polar is one of the world's top sports training brands. Founded in Finland in 1977, we help anyone who wants to get more from their training, whether they want to run faster, cycle further, lose a few kilos, or win world titles. We have a great line-up
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-03-31 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Software Architect, iOS Applications Development -
Muut ohjelmisto- ja sovelluskehittäjät
Polar is one of the world's top sports training brands. Founded in Finland in 1977, we help anyone who wants to get more from their training, whether they want to run faster, cycle further, lose a few kilos, or win world titles. We have a great line-up
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Product Engineer/Senior Product Engineer, Electr. -
Teollisen valmistuksen ja tuotantotekniikan erityisasiantuntijat
Polar is one of the world's top sports training brands. Founded in Finland in 1977, we help anyone who wants to get more from their training, whether they want to run faster, cycle further, lose a few
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Architect, Test Automation -
Polar is one of the world's top sports training brands. Founded in Finland in 1977, we help anyone who wants to get more from their training, whether they want to run faster, cycle further, lose a few kilos, or win world titles. We have a great line-up
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Software Engineer, Android Applications Developmen -
Muut ohjelmisto- ja sovelluskehittäjät
Polar is one of the world's top sports training brands. Founded in Finland in 1977, we help anyone who wants to get more from their training, whether they want to run faster, cycle further, lose a few kilos, or win world titles. We have a great line-up
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Marketing and Communication Manager -
Mainonnan ja markkinoinnin erityisasiantuntijat
Polar is one of the world's top sports training brands. Founded in Finland in 1977, we help anyone who wants to get more from their training, whether they want to run faster, cycle further, lose a few kilos, or win world titles. We have a great line-up
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Senior Test Designer, Mechanics -
Polar is one of the world's top sports training brands. Founded in Finland in 1977, we help anyone who wants to get more from their training, whether they want to run faster, cycle further, lose a few kilos, or win world titles. We have a great line-up
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Scrum Master, Polar Club development -
Muut ohjelmisto- ja sovelluskehittäjät
Polar is one of the world's top sports training brands. Founded in Finland in 1977, we help anyone who wants to get more from their training, whether they want to run faster, cycle further, lose a few kilos, or win world titles. We have a great line-up
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Senior Test Designer, Electronics -
Polar is one of the world's top sports training brands. Founded in Finland in 1977, we help anyone who wants to get more from their training, whether they want to run faster, cycle further, lose a few kilos, or win world titles. We have a great line-up
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Senior RF Designer -
Elektroniikan erityisasiantuntijat
Polar is one of the world's top sports training brands. Founded in Finland in 1977, we help anyone who wants to get more from their training, whether they want to run faster, cycle further, lose a few kilos, or win world titles. We have a great line-up
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Designer, Test Automation -
Muut ohjelmisto- ja sovelluskehittäjät
Polar is one of the world's top sports training brands. Founded in Finland in 1977, we help anyone who wants to get more from their training, whether they want to run faster, cycle further, lose a few kilos, or win world titles. We have a great line-up
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Software Engineer, iOS Applications Development -
Muut ohjelmisto- ja sovelluskehittäjät
Polar is one of the world's top sports training brands. Founded in Finland in 1977, we help anyone who wants to get more from their training, whether they want to run faster, cycle further, lose a few kilos, or win world titles. We have a great line-up
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Senior UX Designer -
Polar is one of the world's top sports training brands. Founded in Finland in 1977, we help anyone who wants to get more from their training, whether they want to run faster, cycle further, lose a few kilos, or win world titles. We have a great line-up
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Senior Software Engineer / Senior Developer -
Muut ohjelmisto- ja sovelluskehittäjät
Senior Software Engineer / Senior Developer (Architecture and quality team) Haluat olla mukana luomassa jotain uutta ja haasteellista, mitä ei aiemmin ole tehty? Haluatko päästä vaikuttamaan miljoonien ihmisten elämään
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
Software Engineer/Senior Developer/Ohjelmistokehit -
Muut ohjelmisto- ja sovelluskehittäjät
Polar Electro Oy on teknologisten innovaatioiden ja sykkeenmittauksen edelläkävijä jo vuodesta 1977 lähtien Software Engineer / Senior Developer / Ohjelmistokehittäjä (API) Oletko www-sovellusten kokenut kehittäjä
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Keski-Suomi
Embedded SW Designers for a temporary position -
Polar is one of the world's top sports training brands. Founded in Finland in 1977, we help anyone who wants to get more from their training, whether they want to run faster, cycle further, lose a few kilos, or win world titles. We have a great line-up
Polar Electro Oy - 2016-02-15 - Pohjois-Pohjanmaa